Hello Its 2 Peas In A Pod Blog Here,

Hello everybody and welcome back to our blog, its Jade here. I hope you are having a festive week leading up to Christmas. I know I am. I broke up for the christmas holidays yesterday so thats all good. So as you might know we have decided to do what we did last year, which is a mini blogmas. As our schedules are really busy during december with work and college we decided we should do a mini one leading up to christmas. So as you saw yesterday we posted a joint blog post which is the first of the series of blogmas. So today is the fist blogmas post for me. I decided to start easy and tell you all my top 5 christmas movies !
I found this quite hard as I am a massive lover when it comes to christmas movies. I find them really cozy and I feel calm watching them. You may think this is weird but I have been watching certain christmas movies since August. Whoops. When I am super stressed there is nothing better than lying in bed with a cup of tea watching a christmas film. So lets get on with the count down.
I do not own any of these photos and all rights go to the owners of the photos.
My ultimate favourite chrtsmas film has to be Elf. I absolutely love it. I find that it is easy watching and just funny. I feel like one day of my life I would like to experience Buddy's life. All I have to remember is not to eat yellow snow. I am sure that you are aware of the film, I feel like its a christmas staple when wrapping your presents. I love it so much.

My next favourite christmas film is a childhood memory that I used to watch every christmas eve with my mum and I still do now. It is Miracle On 34th Street. I guess this film makes me cozy and fuzzy inside. On christmas eve my mum and I have a tradition of eating chinease take out in our pyjamas and watching that film. When I was younger as soon as that film had finished I would brush my teeth and lay out my carrot and mince pie and of course a shot of whiskey for Santa and the raindeers and rush off to bed. That way I was sure to be asleep when Santa dropped my presents off. If you have not seen this film I highly reccomend it, its about a man who is Santa and he is hired as the shops santa. Long story short many people are out there to prove he is not the real santa and he battles his way to prove he is the real man.

The next film that is on my top 5 is Arthur Christmas. I have a couple of memories for this movie. It was my first date with my ex boyfriend and the other memory is watching it with my little brother snuggled on the sofa. I like this movie because it is easy watching and quite funny at times. I love the elves in this film and I do sit and laugh at them. Not many people have watched this film but once they mention it I kind of force it upon them to watch it, because it is amazing.

My next film is not really a film but it counts as some would say that I watch this more than any of the films that I mention in this blog post. So it is worth a metion. It is the Gavin & Stacey Christmas Special. Those who know me, know that I am a Gavin & Stacey Fanatic. So when they brought out a christmas special I was so happy as that is 2 of my favourite things combined together. Oh and my man crush is totally James Corden. This dvd never leaves my dvd player as I watch it through out the year. It has even got to the point where when it is on TV my family refuse to watch it with me as I can recite the words with the characters and it annoys them. My favourite part of the special is when Smithy wraps all of his gifts in tin foil. I have seriously thought about doing that a few times.
My last but no means least favourite christmas movie is Love Actually. This is a classic film that everyone loves to watch. Its so cozy I just love it. My favourite characters are the priminister and the personal assistant they are just so cute, I love it. This is the sort of film I love to cozy up on the sofa with a hot coco and watch this film. As it isnt all christmasy but its just great and I love it.
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Thank You,
Jade Xx
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