3 December 2016

Harry Potter Studios

Hello It's 2 Peas In A Pod Blog,

Hello everyone and welcome to our blog! Hope you are all having a lovely day and you are enjoying the Christmas spirit. So it's jade here today. So a few weeks back I went on a trip with college to the Warner Brother Studio tour for Harry Potter. Us Brits take pride in Harry Potter so we were all excited. I've been lucky enough to go before a few years ago but I feel like I appreciated it more this time due to going with my fellow film and media class mates as that is what we are interested in. So let's get on with the blog post!

First off I was amazed that when I went they had decorated it all christmasy. It was so magical it was unreal. So all the sets were magical. 

I took loads of photos however I didn't want to ruin the whole tour for those who will be visiting it later in their lives. I mean I know you've seen it in the films but it's different in the studios.

The grand hall was decorated all festive and it was so magical! I just hope our dining room looks as packed on Christmas Day as this one does.

I was very surprised by the house I knocked on the 'brick' and it was hollow. It's polistirine almost, how real does that look!! 

We got to go on the hogwarts express it was actually quite big and each train seat etc had been decorated to represent each movie. Very clever. My favourite Harry Potter film is The Goblet Of Fire.

These were some of the costumes the actors wore during the filming of Harry Potter. 

This was one of my favourite sets, so pretty. 

Dargon alley was so life like it was amazing, I loved the weasely twins shop. 

This is Hogwarts. They use a small replica to do the above head shots. As they had decorated the studio for Christmas, Hogwarts also had snow on it, magical. I loved it.

I really enjoyed my time at Warner Brother studios, I wish that one day I will get to work on an amazing set like that. The hard work that went into designing them sets is just amazing hats off to them. One thing that did annoy me was in the gift shop they had ran out of Ron Weasely wands!! I was like what nooo. So I went on the online store and they had sold out there too. So upsetting.

Anyways thank you for taking the time to read this blog post, I really enjoyed my time and I'm glad I got to share some pictures with you. What's your favourite Harry Potter film? I hope I haven't spoiled it for those who will be going soon!! 

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Thank You,

Jade Xx

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