24 November 2016

8 Ways To Prepare Yourself For The December Rush

Hello It's 2 Peas In A Pod Blog Here,

Evening everyone and welcome back to our blog. As you might of guessed already things are starting to get festive here on our blog. Well, not just here! Shops, hotels and YouTube channels are getting so festive it's unreal. Which isn't really that bad as we love Christmas. So we have decided to follow the Christmas trend and get festive. *Que Cheesy Christmas Music*. 

As its coming up to December we thought we would give you lovely readers some tips on beating the December Christmas rush. That might be in your home or in the local shopping centre. Can we just take a minute to realise we are nearly at the end of 2016, wow that has gone quick. Anyways lets get back to th blog post.

1. Don't Panic

Now we can probably assume you are reading this blog post because you are panicky about the December rush. Well don't, you can do this. Seriously though, we get stressed out for one day. This year it's your turn to enjoy the festive season and sit back and relax. The biggest tip to achieve that this  Christmas is to do pretty much everything in November. Which this blog post is scheduled at the wrong time as its only 1 day until December, but please look past that. 😂 

2. Plan Trips

This is very important as you need to plan shopping trips, family gatherings and the all important Santa's Grotto trip. So it's mich better if you plan these trips in advance. It may seem silly planning at the start of November your trip to see Santa. However this helps a lot as you can avoid double booking. We planned our annual Christmas shopping trip and sleepover way back in October to make sure we had free time. It really helps trust us.

3. Write Present Lists

This point ties in with point 2. It's another form of planning. This point means either planning who you need to get Christmas presents for or who you have got presents for and what you have got them. That helps so you know when your family are opening their presents you haven't missed any presents off! 

4. Shop At The Start Of December 

We find this tip the most effective. If you shop before December or at the start you still have a good pick of the good presents to buy your friends and family. Also it's less crowded so you can feel more at ease when shopping. We have our annual shopping Christmas trip on the 1st December. If you leave your shopping until Christmas Eve, the rush can be very stressful. However, on the other hand if you shop early and you forget a certain present you have time to go out and buy it. 

5. Have A Practice Christmas Dinner 

This might sound silly but it helps. If you are that type of person who struggles with timings etc then a practice Christmas dinner might help you. Getting your parsnips roasted in time and baking the piggies and blankets! 

6. Plan Your Christmas Outfit 

This is a must. Christmas outfit is very key. That might be a sparkly Christmas dress or a novelty Christmas jumper. If you plan your outfit before hand you won't be stressing about it on Christmas Day.  Remember the key thing is to be stress free on Christmas Day, after all it's about having fun.

7. But Double Wrapping Paper

This is a good one. Sometimes you can underestimate the amount of cheesy Christmas wrapping paper that you will need. So it's better to be safe than sorry so buy double the amount of wrapping paper. Also if you make the mistake that Jade did one year you will definitely need extra Christmas wrapping paper. Basically she accidentally picked up happy birthday wrapping paper and no other wrapping paper. It was funny though. 

8. Decorating Your Home

This is the most exciting tip. Decorating you home all Christmasy and festive is just the best. It makes you home so cozy. If you get the decorating out the way at the start of December you can enjoy the decorations for longer and have stress free December! Also imagine all the Instagram pictures you can get!

Thank you for reading this blog post and we hope you have taken these tips wisely. We hope you have a great week and soon it's time to tuck into your advent calendars!! Yummy. What advent calendar do you have this year? 

Please Share The Pea Pod Love,

Thank You,

Jade & Lydia Xx

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