21 November 2016

Lydia's Morning Routine

Hello It's 2 Peas In A Pod Blog Here,
Hello everyone, I hope you're all having a good day today! Today's blog post is by Lydia and is my morning routine. I'm not really a big fan of mornings, which means that my morning routine is fairly basic! This blog post will be my routine of a morning before college.
The first thing I do is obviously wake up, as I have to go to college I will wake up at 7:00am so I have enough time to do everything before I leave the house at 8:00am. After I've woken up, I will check my phone and all my social media to see what's happened whilst I've been asleep, and see if there is any new news and to also talk to Jade. I will spend about 10 minutes doing this as I like to prepare myself before I get out of my warm bed.
Once I've got out of bed I will head to the bathroom and take a quick shower to freshen up and make me feel a little bit more awake. Once I've got out of the shower I will wash my face with this face wash, it is by Clean&Clear, this is one of the best face washes that I've had as you can notice a difference after a few days and it clears up my acne from my face fairly quickly. I also use this at night before I go to bed.
Once I'm done in the bathroom I will go back into my room and get dressed into my college uniform, which consists of Jeans and my college t-shirt. After I'm dressed I will then do my hair, I mainly do my hair in either two French plaits or just a pony tail depending on how long I took in the bathroom. Once I've done my hair I will go downstairs into the kitchen and make myself a cup of coffee to give me that extra bit of energy for the day ahead, I really think this mug describes my thoughts of a morning! I'm not a big eater of breakfast as I often feel sick, but I take something to have at college if I get really hungry.

When I've finished my coffee I will go back upstairs to brush my teeth, once I've finished brushing my teeth it's nearly time to leave the house so I will grab my bag which I packed the night before and then get into the car to go to college. Then I will just spend the day at college.

That's my normal morning routine for a college morning, on the days I don't go to college it's slightly different as I don't have to rush around and get up as early. I hope you enjoyed this blog post and thank you for reading! How are you today? I hope you are all well! And again thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it.

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Thank You,

Lydia Xx

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