24 October 2017

Finding The Right Friendship Group

Hello, It’s 2 Peas In A Pod Blog Here!

Hello Everyone! Welcome back to our blog. How are you today? We hope you are having a lovely day! Today's blog post is by Lydia and as you can tell by the title, this blog post is about finding the right friendship group. So, let’s get on with this blog post.

So, were sure you already know, but you have to be happy in a friendship group. It’s not nice to be in a ‘friendship’ if you’re not happy. Friendships are so important, I honestly don't know what I would do if I wasn't friends with Jade. We have disagreements very little things like anyone, but we get over it as our friendship is more important than something so silly.

Before Jade and I became best friends we had different friendship groups. I was with my best friend since pre-school and my other best friend from Primary school. We were all so close, and such good friends. Then in year 7/8 we grew apart from eachother, and all went our seperate ways. And, at the time I was really unhappy, I'm now actually so glad I grew apart from them as now I have Jade, and we have so much in common with eachother, plus so many hilarious memories!

Jade had different best friends before we met, from Primary school, most of them when to different Secondary schools. But she was still with her 2 oldest friends. And although recently they don’t see eachother as much, they are all still friends.

As we said before, you have to be happy in a friendship. The things to look for in a good friendship are, things in common, laughter and love. When we both met, the thing that brought us together was greyhounds, that got us talking and from there we found out we had so much more in common! When were together we’re always laughing, we have so many inside jokes that when we think about them, we get crazy looks as were laughing so much. We will always find something funny!

I am the happiest I have ever been, and that's all because of who I'm friends with. I never knew that I wasn't at my happiest before until now, and that's why it's so important to have the right friends and be in the right friendship group. 

I think that's the end of this blog post. I really hope you've enjoyed this blog post, and maybe you've learnt a bit about why it's good to be in the right friendship group. Jade and I are closer than ever, we laugh all the time, at anything and everything! Thank you so much fro reading this blog post, and I hope you enjoyed it!

Please Share The Pea Pod Love,

Thank You,

Lydia Xx

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