28 November 2017

Traditions Of Their Fathers Book Review

Hello It's 2 Peas In A Pod Blog Here, 

Welcome back to our blog, it's Jade here. Today's blog post is a review of this great book we were sent from Cory Ellsworth. The book genre is action, that is something that I don't usually read as I much prefer a good romantic book. I was very intrigued by this book and wanted to give it a go. 

So 'Traditions Of Their Fathers' is the first book in 'The Sieger Chronicles'. The book is set in 2060. You soon learn that there has been a nuclear war and over 3 and half billion people have died. The president is trying to keep his power and has created a depressant cocktail (HR23) and it is put through the air and in the drinking water to get rid of mental illnesses and the bad people. Also if anyone goes against the government and protest they will be eliminated in front of an audience on the tv. 

It begins with us learning about Ben who is 15 years old and his family. Ben has a very strong relationship with his sisters, especially Sophie who is 3 years old. At the beginning, Ben is quite distant from his father, Daniel aged 44. And thinks very fondly of his mother, Eliza who is 44 years old. All of Ben's life he has been living in a bunker away from the city. One day he questions this to his family and he learns a lot about his family history. Ben learns that his mother and father are wanted and if they are found they will be killed Ben's grandfather actually attempted to expose the government and was executed on tv and that's why Ben's parents are wanted.

Something big happened and leaves a big hole in Ben's heart. However, it starts to shape him into the man his father aspired him to be. Ben is adamant he is going to take the government down and in the book you follow his journey as he is carrying out his mission. 

The book overall is really great and it was very unique. I actually really enjoyed it considering I never usually pick up an action based book. It is so futuristic yet so realistic the way it is set out and written. I really enjoyed the suspense and vivid images I had inside my mind. The character development of Ben is really great he has such a strong level head for a 15-year-old. Overall I really enjoyed the book and would recommend it to anyone, you don't even need to be an action lover. 

So, I hope you enjoyed my review of 'Traditions Of Their Fathers'. I feel like the review was quite vague but I really didn't want to give any of the good main plot twists away. 

Now, here is the good part. Cory Ellsworth was very kind to post us a second book to actually giveaway to you lovely readers. I would highly recommend you enter this short competition because it is a great book and you would love to read it I am sure. The giveaway competition starts on the 28/11/17 which is today and ends the 12/12/17 at 8pm in the evening. The winner will be announced that evening We wanted it to be a short giveaway so it could be a great Christmas present for whoever wins from us two and Cory Ellsworth.  All you need to do is fill out the requirements by clicking the link below. Most of all Good Luck !! Thank You once again for sending us a great book Cory. 


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Thank You,

Jade Xx

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