21 March 2018

Niall Horan Concert

Hello It's 2 Peas In A Pod Blog Here, 

Welcome back to our blog, it's Jade here. Today's blog post is an exciting one, I'm talking about all things Niall. On Thursday 15th March Lydia and I went to see him live in Manchester. We were super excited. 

We were a bit worried because we have never stood at a concert before and after seeing Harry live we knew the crowd was reckless and many were collapsing due to crushing in the crowd. So, you could say we were a bit skeptical. 

During the day we did a bit of shopping and many girls had camped out for 24 hours at the doors to get a good view. We ended up queuing from 6pm until the doors opening at 7pm. We got our merch and headed into the venue and decided to stick to the side because it was easier for us to get out if we got crushed or anything. We ended up being 10 rows from the front! We had such a good view it was so lucky. 

The standing situation was quite crammed and a girl did collapse right behind us. However, nothing too bad for us to handle.

Niall was so good live and really engaged with the crowd. Plus he is so good on the guitar it is unreal. The support act was Julia Michaels, at first we did not know who she was but in fact we both knew 90% of her songs! Really good live. 

I really enjoyed when Niall sang 'Slow Hands' because he came closer to the crowd and was dancing and singing, loved it so much!

It was also amazing when Niall sang 'Drag Me Down' because the whole crowd sang along and I nearly lost my voice.  

My absolute favourite part of the whole concert was when Niall sang 'Flicker'. It is one of my favourite songs from the album so I enjoyed the song. Niall asked the crowd to put all their phones away and actually just sing to the song. I have nothing wrong with people filming and taking photos at a concert but don't film the whole concert. I was actually annoyed by how many people lived on their phones at the concert. I took a few photos which all are on this blog post and my friend asked for a sound from the concert. I sent a 20-second clip on snapchat to him. Other than that I just lived for the moment in the concert. The whole time during 'Flicker' everyone sung and it was beautiful. I really enjoyed it. 

Thank You for taking the time to read the blog post and I hope you enjoyed reading it. I would definitely recommend anyone to go see Niall in concert, worth all your money. 

Please Share The Pea Pod Love,

Thank You,

Jade Xx

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