24 April 2018

Celebrating Jade's 18th Birthday

Hello It's 2 Peas In A Pod Blog Here,

Hello, everyone, we hope you are all well. Today's blog post is quite special as we shall be talking about the night of April 14th, 2018. We and all of our friends got together to celebrate Jade becoming an adult. If you would like to know what Jade got for her 18th then check our blog this time next week! *Spoiler Alert Haha*.

We had such a fun time and we can both admit that we were quite drunk and our feet hurt from dancing so much! We do have to admit the photos aren't the best quality due to iPhone camera. However, we still wanted to commemorate this celebration in a blog post!

The cake was outstanding. It was a record player to symbolize Jades love for music and 'Fox & The Hound' figurines in the corner to represent Jades favorite Disney movie. Then Greyhounds in the back to show off Jade's doggies!! It was such a big cake and took 2 people to carry it.

The entertainment was a solo singer, a disco, and a live band. Jade had collaborated birthday parties with her grandad to celebrate his 65th so it was very busy! We were on the dance floor non-stop and enjoyed ourselves a lot.

The decoration was amazing thanks to Jade's Mum and Nan!! There was pink 18 balloons everywhere and 18 confetti! This was the balloons that spelt out 'Bear' which is Jade's family nickname.

Lastly, the speech made by Jade on the mic was great. Jade thanked everyone for coming and especially thanked her Mum for being by her side for 18 years. Then handed her Mum over a bouquet of flowers... Notice the heels are gone! Both of us lasted all of 10 minutes in heels haha!

That's it for us! Thank you for taking the time to read our blog post. Jade is now officially 18... roll on Lydia's 18th in August. Hope you have a good week!

Please Share The Pea Pod Love,

Thank You,

Jade & Lydia Xx

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Email: twopeasinapodblog@gmail.com

Twitter:   Dewey_bear

Twitter:  Lydia_Greyhound 

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