1 May 2018

What Jade Got For Her 18th Birthday

Hello It's 2 Peas In A Pod Blog Here,

Hello, everyone, it's Jade here, wow I am finally 18. I had such a good birthday, I felt it went too quick! I would like to thank everyone for my gorgeous presents I am so grateful for them. I am doing this blog post to let you guys know a selection of gifts that I got for my birthday. I am in no way bragging about what I got. It is mainly so I can look upon this in years to come!

The first thing I got for my birthday was this Mickey Mouse teddy which is in the birthday edition. As you will know I am a Disney teddy collector, so to open this on my birthday was magical. It has my birthday and name imprinted on his feet and when you click the candle it plays a birthday tune. I love this present it was from my Mum.

The next gift was kindly from Lydia which was the new Ariana Grande perfume. I think this smells absolutely divine.  I loved her first one but this one has just topped it. The only way I can describe it is sweet but capped. Like it begins of smelling sweet but is capped off by a calm vanilla scent. Plus the bottle is gorgeous so thank you, Lydia.

The next gift was from my Dogs which was Tiffany and Co earrings. A bit much from my dogs I know but let's be honest it was my mum who got them haha! I have wanted something Tiffany and Co for years now and I've been saving up for a necklace from there for ages now so the earrings were gorgeous.

To match the earrings my mum bought me the necklace I had been saving for and even sent it away to be engraved with my initials on the other heart. So, I love this so so much. Thank You, Mum.

The next thing was alcohol, like because I had a birthday party quite a few were invited, so the main present I got was alcohol. I received 8 bottles of Malibu, 7 bottles of Champagne/Prosecco and two bottles of Baileys alongside a few minis. These below were cocktail mini's in cute glasses, so I had to take a picture of these! I am very grateful for my alcohol, looks like the summer party is on me!

The next thing I received was this amazing Lush gift set from my Auntie, Uncle, and cousins! I think my family and friends knew I like Lush. This is because alongside this giftset I also received another 18 bath bombs from Lush! So thank you so much! This gift set has so many products that I have never used before, I am super excited to try them all out!

My last but certainly not least gift I would like to talk to you about is this sketchbook from Lydia. Lydia knows my favourite kind of gifts are the personal ones and this was honestly one of the best presents I have ever received. It is a cute sketchbook that Lydia created talking about some of our best memories we've ever had! Lydia even left a note saying for me to carry it on. Which I definitely intend to do! Thank You, Lydia. 

That's it from me, thank you for taking the time to read this blog post! If you enjoyed it then please follow us on twitter or even follow us on blog lovin. To do this click the '+' sign in the top right corner. Thank you. 

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Thank You,

Jade Xx

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