8 May 2018

What I Miss From My Childhood

Hello It's 2 Peas In A Pod Blog Here,

Hello everybody! How are you all today? I hope you're having a good week! Today's blog post is by Lydia and as you can tell by the title, it's what I miss from my childhood. So, in this blog post I will be telling you about the TV shows, toys and more from what I miss about my childhood.

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

So, the first thing that I miss from my childhood is a TV show, and in my words one of the best children's TV shows ever! The Story of Tracey Beaker. I absolutely loved this when I was growing up, I always watched it, even the repeats. It got to the point I'd watched it so much and all the episodes several times my family hated it! I don't know why I loved it so much but I did-haha!

The next thing I miss is a game. The game is Snakes and Ladders, I know I can play this game anytime but what I miss is that when I was growing up we used to play it occasionally as a family, but we don't really anymore, I guess its because I'm older now and I think my family only used to play it with me to keep me quiet!

Another thing from my childhood that I miss is, my teddy bear, Pink Teddy. I think I've mentioned him on the blog before. He is a teddy that was pink, hence the name Pink Teddy, I had him since I was born so nearly 18 years now. I still have him, but he's looking a bit tired now because I used to sleep with him every night for several years. I miss his good condition he was in, but how he's looking now just shows how much love he's had from me!

My fourth and final thing I miss from my childhood is the general growing up, there was nothing to worry about. When I was younger I couldn't wait to grow up, but now I'm nearly 18, worrying about the future etc, I want to go back to being a kid when there was nothing to worry about, sitting on the sofa watching the repeats of The Story of Tracey Beaker for the 7th time!

So, there are just 4 of the several things I miss about my childhood. I'm happy with where I am now, but I do miss my childhood sometimes when things were mostly easy back then compared to now. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this blog post, thank you for reading. Whats the things you miss most from your childhood?

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Thank You,

Lydia Xx

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