15 May 2018

A Cup Of Tea & Our Thoughts

Hello It's 2 Peas In A Pod Blog Here,

Hello Everyone! Welcome back to our blog, how are you today? Today's blog post is a bit of a chatty blog post, where we'll talk about anything and everything from our future plans to what we're feeling.

So, to kick start of this blog post, we'll talk about some of the things that we've got planned and are looking forward to. We have a few things that we have planned that are coming up later in the year, which are super exciting! One of them being that we are going to go see Arctic Monkeys live! We both love the band and love their music. We were so lucky to get tickets as they sold out so quickly, we almost didn't get them but Jade was very quick and managed to get them.

Another thing we're looking forward to is our trip to Edinburgh, we wanted to do something special this year as it is both our 18th birthdays, we are planning on going away early September. We chose Edinburgh because it's a place we both want to go that isn't too far away. We are both really looking forward to it!

As you all know its Spring, and the weather is really nice here at the moment. We love the Spring weather, the sun shines but it's not too hot or too cold, it's beautiful. Spring is one of our favourite times of the year, it's all so pretty with the flowers blooming and the lovely weather.

Watching all the new life (the plants and baby animals) makes us feel happy. The longer evenings are another thing of spring we love, there's nothing better than going out for an evening walk especially with our dogs.

That's the end of our chatty blog post, we hope you enjoyed reading! Thank you for reading. Do you have anything that you're looking forward to? Whats your favourite thing about spring and the lovely weather? Thank you again for reading.

Please Share The Pea Pod Love,

Thank You,

Jade & Lydia Xx

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Email: twopeasinapodblog@gmail.com

Twitter:   Dewey_bear

Twitter:  Lydia_Greyhound 

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