16 September 2016

Gender Equality

Hello everyone it's Jade and welcome back to our blog. Now we don't normally touch on subjects as important as this but I believe we should. I don't know if everything in this blog post will about the roles of men and women but if you want more on that then let us know. It's an important subject that needs more than one blog post to do it justice.

The reason as to why I decided to write the blog post was because something happened to me today and I was absolutely astonished that I was spoken to that way. Now it might be playing on my mind more than it should be because I was offended but also it made me realise that still in today's society men think they have control over women and they can dictate them. That's not fine. I also think it's rude and not okay for men to be able to pick out women's insecurities and think that's fine. It's totally not fine. The worst thing was that the man that insulted me was about 40 years older than me. We are meant to respect our elders and all that but it's totally not fine to offend someone that much younger than you. It upsets me that men think a woman should "put up" with the horrible things they come out with. I don't want to go into to much detail about what happened to me earlier as I don't want that person to see this. However, it's unjust that I was meant to laugh at being insulted. Then for him to pick flaws out on other women around him saying quotes like "Your boobs are tiny"  or "You ain't got an arse". Believe me, I wasn't insulted by them sentences, I wouldn't be so hurt by the comments if it was that as it's unacceptable.  

Why is it acceptable in this day and age to pick out women's flaws and knock down their self-confidence. A few weeks ago I went for surgery and the healing process is long, so it's left me quite self-conscious about myself. So for tonight to have an egotistical man pick out my flaws and be rude to me is just not on. We, women, shouldn't dress for men, we shouldn't act the way men want us to. We shouldn't bow down to men because they intimidate us. We shouldn't let them intimidate us, however, they still think they can. Why is that still a thing? 

I've always been aware of gender equality and my whole life I've been brought up with the fact that men and women are equal. I was raised by my single mother my whole life so I know many women out there don't let men dictate their life. I think that's why I am the way I am now. Growing up and seeing my mum stand her ground to men has allowed me to see that I am no different to the boy in the village next to me. My mum is a strong and powerful woman who owns her own successful business.  So if that doesn't show me that women are just as strong and level-headed as men then I don't know what will. I know this blog post won't change a thing in our society but I'm hoping it will change the way you think about gender equality.  It's a shame to admit that we won't ever fully get rid of different gender roles and the stereotypical role of the man being in charge. I just wanted to express my thought and feelings on this subject. I doubt this will ever make it as a blog post but I needed to express my anger somehow. If you are reading this then I hope you can see my point of view. As I write this its 1 am in the morning. So sorry for typos! 

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post. I know it's short but hopefully I've expressed my opinion on gender equality enough and you can understand. I know I've missed out a lot on the subject and I hope to write more about the subject in the future, but I wanted to keep this short and sweet to see what you guys think. Let me know in the comments or on Twitter about your opinion on gender equality. 

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Jade Xx

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