23 March 2017

Mystery Blogger Awards

Hello It's 2 Peas In A Pod Blog Here,

Hello everyone! Welcome back to our blog! We hope you are all having a good day so far! As you can tell by the title of this blog post we've been nominated for another award, this award is called The Mystery Blogger Awards. We were nominated for this award by Cassidy from the blog Livin The Life (http://livingyearly.blogspot.co.uk/). Thank you so much for nominating us!

The Rules:
  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog
  2. List the rules
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link to their blog as well
  5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
  6. You have to nominate 10-20 people
  7. Notify each of your nominees by commenting on their blog
  8. Ask nominees any five questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify)
  9. Share your link to your best post(s).
This Award was created by Okoto Enigma (http://okotoenigmasblog.com/). She created this award to help bring smaller bloggers together and help get their blogs noticed and recognized.

3 Things about us:

1. We are best friends since we were in year 8 of school (age 12/13) we are now in our first year of college year 12 (age 16/17).

2. We became best friends after we bonded in a DT lesson after we found out that we both had greyhounds, we've been best friends since then.

3. We both have never been to Australia and we intend to later on in our lives. 

Our favourite blog post has to be our Blogosphere Magazine Valentines Tea Party post (https://2peasinapodblog2.blogspot.co.uk/2017/02/blogosphere-magazines-valentines-tea.html) this is because we were proud we did it and we loved going to the event!

Our Answers To Cassidy's Questions:
1. Why did you start blogging?

We have been asked this a lot and it's a bit of a different story. Jade first started the blog as she really likes writing and is very creative but as the name is 2 Peas In A Pod Blog there ideally had to be 2 people, so she asked our other friend Stephanie to join, so the blog started there, however, as time went on Stephanie wasnt really enjoying it anymore and she wanted to step down, this is where Lydia stepped up and took Stephanie's place, and it's gone on since then really.

2. What's a strange but true fact about you?

Jade: I used to collect erasers and it got to the total of over 300 unique and quirky erasers at one point. I collected unusual ones. 

Lydia: I once finished a pizza to myself in like 7 minutes, it was a large... My brother thought I couldn't do it, I smashed it!

3. Favorite Color?

Jade: My favourite colour is grey, pretty boring but its just simple and cute.

Lydia: My favourite colour is probably black as you cant go wrong with it, everything goes with black! I also like purple, like a dark purple.

4. Favorite food?

Jade: I mean, this is a pretty hard question. I am going to have to narrow it down to Lasagne. Just because it is amazing. 

Lydia: I don't think I have just one favourite food, but one of my favourites is mash potato, I just love it!

5. (The funny question) What's the funniest animal sound you can make?

Jade:  This made me laugh. I actually can speak fluent guinea pig. It is a talent that has occurred to me over time, especially when owning a guinea pig myself. I have tried to teach Lydia but it didn't sound that convincing. 

Lydia: I can't really do impressions of anything especially animals but I am probably best at a cat meowing as my cat seems to look at me when I meow.

Questions to out nominees:

1. What made you want to start blogging?
2. Who is your favourite music artist/band?
3. What are your hobbies?
4. Who is your celebrity crush (if you have one)?
5. (Funny Question) If you could be any comedian, who would you be and why?

We nominate: 
Sam (http://madefrombeauty.co.uk/)
Olivia Alesha (http://oliviaxalesha.com/blog/)
Erin Grace (http://itseverythingerin.blogspot.co.uk/)
Anna (http://thumbelina2016.blogspot.co.uk/)
Clare (http://paleandinterestingch.blogspot.co.uk/)
Charlotte (http://vieaveccharlotte.blogspot.co.uk/)
Lauryn (http://www.lifeofablonde.co.uk/)
Becca (http://theapresgal.com/)
Frances (http://www.royallyrouge.com/)

We hope you enjoyed the blog post, and thank you to Cassidy for nominating us! Thank you for reading!

Please Share The Pea Pod Love,

Thank You,

Jade & Lydia Xx

Where To Find Us: 

Click The Usernames For Direct Links 

Blog Accounts:
Twitter: 2peasinapodblog
Email: twopeasinapodblog@gmail.com

Twitter:   Dewey_bear

Twitter:  Lydia_Greyhound 

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