3 September 2017

Being Safe Online

Hello It's 2 Peas In A Pod Blog Here!

Hello everyone! Welcome back to our blog, we hope you are having a good day! Today's blog post is about online safety and being safe online. This is quite an important subject but we're not going to preach about it too much and bore you all. That is your parent's job. We want to express our opinion and why we think being safe online is so important. Think of it as us being your friends as we are teenagers ourselves so we are in the same shoes as you.  So, lets get on with the blog post.

So, online, the interweb and the net. Full of happy places and full of dark places. We guess you could say the internet is like a bag of chocolate revels you love the crispy ones but no one likes the coffee ones. What we are trying to say is the internet is a resourceful place and you can learn wonderful things but you can also find a horrible side where you find out what bra size the girl down the road is!

Almost everyone uses the internet, whether it's for homework, college work or just browsing the web we all use the internet. The internet is used for so many things, most of them innocent but sometimes people can use the web for things that they shouldn't. These people make the internet unsafe for others. 

One of the most common things that happen in the what we call 'the dark part' internet is people bullying others (Cyber-bullying) they like to hide behind a screen and abuse people from the comfort of their own home. Another one of the most common things that happen in the 'dark part' of the internet is scams, now this is slightly different to cyber-bullying but is still important. There are some people that get anybody and everybody's email addresses and send emails saying something a long the lines of 'Your card details on your Netflix account have changed, phone the number to sort out your card details' this is the same subject as what someone we know had recently, they don't have a Netflix account and googled the number and it came up that it was a scam! So, you have to be very careful with things like this, as if you gave your card details they could take all your money, which wouldn't be good at all!

Make sure you do not give any important details out online without researching the number etc and telling an adult. We always go to our parents about emails we get regarding our blog just to be on the safe side. If you are a victim of cyber bullying then please talk to someone you trust about it. It is not right and fair for someone to be a keyboard warrior and hide behind a screen. Get yourself justice. Also if you witness online bullying happen, say something! Honestly, you are just as bad as the bully by not saying something you could help the person in need.

Now, we don't want to start preaching but please stay safe online. The internet is not just for the bad things it's full of good things to like our blog for example. Haha, just messing around there. 

So, that's the end of the blog post. We hope that you enjoyed the blog post, sorry if we went on a bit. Just be careful when searching the web. Thank you for reading.

Please Share The Pea Pod Love,

Thank You,

Jade & Lydia Xx

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Email: twopeasinapodblog@gmail.com

Twitter:   Dewey_bear

Twitter:  Lydia_Greyhound 

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