5 September 2017

Back To School Advice

Hello It's 2 Peas In A Pod Blog Here,

Hello everyone and welcome to our blog! Today's blog post is by me, Jade. As I write this blog post it is 27 degrees in England and I am lying on the sun lounger. I guess you could say I'm soaking up what is remaining of summer. As we are soon approaching back to school time which means we are near autumn. (I mean I am not moaning about it being autumn soon). I thought it would be nice for me to give some of you a few tips on going back to school. I will be returning back to college in a weeks time to year 13. I will be doing a top up course on creative media. I have had my fair share of moments at secondary school to be able to give you guys some advice.

So my first tip for going back to school is, do not over do it. By this I mean don't back everything and your cat in your school bag. Although, how cool would it be if we could bring our pets to school.  I remember when I started in year 7 or even started a new year, each time I would pack so much in my bag that it would weigh a ton and hurt my shoulders. Only pack the essentials. Your pencil case your lunch box if you have a packed lunch and your text books. I mean do you really need to bring a makeup bag and hairbrush? I will hold my hands up I packed all this at the beginning of the year even in college. Then by the 5th week in I would literally bring the essentials. So this year I am going to only bring the essentials. I never top up my make up at school, I'm not trying to impress anyone and let's face it, it's not me that's having to see my sweaty gross patchy makeup that has been on my face for 5 hours. So why should I bother?

My next tip is to get good nights sleep the night before the first day. Having said that mostly on the first few days you are being told what you will be learning and getting used to your surroundings. However, it is always good to go in with a fresh mind. I actually always did this the night before the first day of school. As I wanted to be as fresh as a daisy. So I could make a good impression on my new teachers. Although, I can't say I would get an early night every school night. Some times it would hit 1 am in the morning and I would have to try and get sleep in before I would wake up at 6:30 am for school. Not a good idea.

Another tip for going back to school is on the first day when you get your new timetable and you are all excited to see your friends again. It might actually be worth going round and making sure you know where all your classes are going to be for the next year. As you do not want to turn up late to a class for not knowing where it is. As I am typing this all I can think about is how I would get 'Lost' on the way to land based science class. I would tell Lydia in the lunch break I wanna see how long it would take me to get to ELBS.... even though my form room was opposite my ELBS class. I would turn left instead of right and go for a wonder for about 15 mins and turn up late and my excuse was... I got lost. To be fair Mr Horsefield bought it all the time. Even though Lydia would be sat in the corner saving my seat giggling. I look back on what we both got up to in that class and I kind of feel sorry for our teacher. I bet he hated us.

My last tip for going back to school is preparing the night before. I know so boring. However, the way I would look at it is... if I packed my bag for the next day and got my clothes out the night before I got an extra 15 mins asleep in bed. So I was winning in that sense. This helps you be more organised and this way you wont forget to bring something important to school the next day. I swear by this tip.

So, that is enough of me boring you with school talk. Make sure you make the most of that days you have before you go back to school. I feel like this summer holidays has gone by super quick! Also what do you guys think of our new blog design. We are more than happy with it. Thank You for reading this blog post.

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