8 August 2017

Jade's Music Favourites

Hello It's 2 Peas In A Pod Blog Here,

Hi, everyone! Welcome back to our blog it's Jade here. Firstly I'd like to say a MASSIVE thank you to those who voted for us in the Teen Blogger Awards. We were shortlisted for best 'Beauty Blog' and 'Best Joint Blog' and thanks to you guys voting for us we won best joint blog. Thanks again. Lydia and I now have an award winning blog! Also, it is Lydia's birthday today so HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

As you may or may not know I am a big music fanatic. I really enjoy listening to music whether that be on my iPod or on my record player. I don't think there is a day where I don't listen to music. I play music when getting ready in the morning, I play music when driving, I play music at work, I play music when I'm in the bath and I often put my headphones in to help me get to sleep.  So I thought it was only right that I wrote a blog post dedicated to my favourite thing.

I have a broad spectrum of music that I like. My music tastes varied from One Direction to Slipknot. (One of my favourite sayings). So without further ado, I am going to list some of my favourite songs that I have enjoyed listening to in this past of months.

First up has to be 'Kiwi' By Harry Styles. This is such a feel good song. When this comes on in the car, I just go mental. Air guitars and everything. This song gets me into such a happy mood. I actually really love the Harry Styles album in general. I have mentioned this album in a favourites before so I won't ramble too much. But alongside Kiwi, my other favourite is 'From The Dining Room Table'.

Another music favourite that I have been loving is the song 'Six Feet Under' By Billie Eilish. This is such a quirky song and sends off a good vibe. It is a calm and low song. Billie has a chilling voice and is very unique. I actually like a few of her music. If you haven't already listened to her music then I strongly recommend you check her music out.

As well as listening to current music and enjoying the wonders of today. I really enjoy delving deep into my mum's CD cabinet and listening to some oldies but goldies. One of my favourite bands is Radiohead. It has always been a favourite of mine but the song 'Just' on their album called The Bends. It is a well known classic song from Radiohead and I love it. I actually chose to study the music video for one of my assignments in media.

I have also been enjoying the song 'Back To You' by Louis Tomlinson and BeBe Rexha. I usually don't like this type of music. For some reason, I am not a fan of 'electronic' music. However, I actually liked this song. The chorus is very catchy and I find myself putting this song on repeat. I have to say I am not fond of Bebe Rexha's voice. I personally would not class it as singing, just talking. But I do like the song.

Finally, a great song I have enjoyed is 'Are You Gonna Be My Girl' By Jet. This is a classic Indie song. I love it. I am pretty sure many people will have heard this song if not youtube it then you will definitely recognise it. I think it may have been used for an advert before I'm not sure. Okay so I have just googled it and it was an iPod advert. Besides the advert, I have loved this song for a while but recently I clicked on this song a lot more.

That's the end of my music filled blog post. I would just like to recommend a music playlist to listen to on Spotify. The playlist is called ' Sing-along indie hits' by Spotify. It has 50 songs on there that are amazing and are a good sing along. Be sure to check it out. Other than that... I am off. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post, it means a lot to us. What has been your go to song this month?

Please Share The Pea Pod Love,

Thank You,

Jade Xx

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1 comment:

  1. This is definitely one of my favourite posts of yours. I also really like your new look, your blog is so cute! ❤

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