13 December 2017

Christmas Evening Routine

Hello, It's 2 Peas In A Pod Blog Here,

Hello, it is Jade & Lydia here, hope you are all well. Wow, we can't believe it is December and Christmas is just around the corner. We have to say we are very much in the festive mood. Jade went to Winter Wonderland last Sunday and last week we had our annual Christmas sleepover. Also Jade passed her driving test today! Whoop. We then baked them yummy Terry's Chocolate Orange Cookies, if you'd like to read that blog post then click here http://2peasinapodblog2.blogspot.co.uk/2017/12/terrys-chocolate-orange-cookies.html#.Wiv-wlKcZE4

Anyways, it's December and the nights turn a lot darker very quick and that is when it is time to get cosy. One way to start this is by turning all the fairy lights on and the Christmas tree on and burn a candle or 2 or maybe 4. Right now in this room, there are 5 Christmas scented candles alight. Whoops!

The next thing on this festive evening is to have a warm bubble bath. Around this time of year, we always tend to use Lush, especially the Christmas range. We have both been loving the 'Christmas Sweater Bath Bomb' it smells so festive omg. The next thing to pair up with is the 'The Magic Of Christmas' bubble wand. This is a spicy scent and the cinnamon stick is so cute. The final one we've been loving is 'Luxury Lush Pud Bath Bomb' this is a classic Christmas bath bomb. This one is best to save for Christmas eve in our opinion.  During the bath feel free to light some candles and put on a face mask. That is just the best.

After your bath gets into some festive pyjamas. We both do have matching reindeer pyjamas from Primark. We did take a picture of us both together wearing it but for some reason, we cant find it anywhere. Gutted!!

A nice hot chocolate or a cup of tea is well deserved. It would not be a festive blog post without a cup of tea in a festive mug haha! This is a picture of Jade's Christmas mug from Asda and how conveniently it matches her Christmas bedding from Asda also. The other picture is of Lydia's Christmas bedding too, also from Asda. Also, you can see on the bedpost is a festive orange and cinnamon mini garland.... stay tuned to our blog next week to find out how to create your very own.

Once you are all cosied up in festive pyjamas and festive bedding whilst drinking a hot beverage out of a festive mug then it is time to put on a Christmas movie. If you are already not feeling festive then continue to read this blog post haha! So being the Christmas fanatics we are, we just could not refine it down to 1 favourite film. So we narrowed it down to Elf, Love Actually and Miracle On 34th Street. These are all classic Christmas films that everyone and their mum loves. Also note the Christmas bedding as the background.... What is your favourite Christmas film?

Lastly, you need some snacks to eat whilst watching a movie. So here are a couple of favourites we chose to sit down and watch our films with. So first up we have 'Elf Slices' by Mr Kipling as you can see 2 of them have already been eaten... whoops. These are the festive version of the angle slices, these are apple flavoured and omg they taste so good. The other snack we chose is 'Pringles' the plain version, the red plain version is just the best.

So that is how you have a festive Christmas evening. Hope you all enjoyed this blog post and we did not just puke festiveness all over you. Haha! Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post.

Please Share The Pea Pod Love,

Thank You,

Jade & Lydia Xx

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