3 April 2018

A Trip To The Farm

Hello It's 2 Peas In A Pod Blog Here,

Hello Everybody! Welcome back to our blog. Recently we went to Snettisham Park. We wanted to feed lambs this year and the closest place was Snettisham Park, so, we arranged a day we could do and took a trip to Snettisham!

Aswell as Lamb feeding, we wanted to go on a Deer Safari. Unfortunately, the weather was not on our side, it was raining most of the day. As the weather was so bad the Deer Safari wasn't running, so we weren't able to go on it.

At 11:00am the farm was doing the lamb feeding, so we went over to the sheep shed. There were loads of different pens with sheep and their baby lambs with them. The lambs were so little and so cute! Then there were bigger pens with sheep that were pregnant, all the sheep were really friendly and let us stroke them. The barn was so loud with all the sheep bleeting! There was also other pens with the orphaned lambs in, which were the lambs we would feed.

We then sat down to start feeding the lambs, the first lambs were the younger orphaned ones there was also a little piglet with the lambs that was also orphaned that was just running around with all the lambs. The farm had called the pig 'Pig Little', how cute!

Then it was time to feed the slightly older lambs, both of us got to feed a lamb, they were actually really strong considering they were so little! Whilst we were feeding the lambs there were 3 of the sheep that started going into labor. We even got to watch a lamb being born, it was something we had never seen before. It was so surreal.

This was just after the lamb was born.

They also got out a rabbit and Guinea pig, they both just sat on the petting table getting stroked by everyone. The rabbit was so fluffy and the guinea pig was so little and cute. We both joked around saying Jade's guinea pig, Squeak would never have sat there.

We then walked around the rest of the park to see the other animals, which included calves, goats, ponies and baby deers. The calves were adorable although they kept trying to lick us! The goats were climbing on the fence to get attention from us, the ponies and baby deers weren't as sociable as they didn't get to close they stayed further away.

We also saw pigs, they were a bit bigger than the one with the lambs. They were adorable, Lydia really wants a pig as well as a lamb now - haha!

After we walked around the farm we went back to see the sheep and lambs to find that 2 more lambs had been born and the one we saw be born was already walking around. We then got to watch one of the lambs that were just born take its first steps, it was so cute to see it learn to stand up and take its first steps.

As the weather was bad and we had fed the lambs and seen all the animals we decided to leave and head back. All in all it was a really good day. We wanted to take the lambs home they were just so cute! We were a bit disappointed that we couldn't go on the Deer Safari but we will go back in the summer when the weathers better. We hope you enjoyed reading about our day out, thank you for taking your time to read our blog.

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Thank You,

Jade & Lydia Xx

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