12 June 2018

Betty Box Subscription Review

Hello It's 2 Peas In A Pod Blog Here,

Hi everyone welcome back to our blog, we hope you are all well. Let's talk all things periods!! There is nothing worse than "the time of the month". You feel so down and tired let alone hungry!! So, as girls we deserve a little pick me up. What's better than a subscription box catered to your period needs, delivered in time straight to your door.  NOTHING, well maybe Harry Styles shirtless...

Anywho, back to period chats. Being a teenager the thought of beginning or being on your period can seem quite daunting. Especially when you are at school and hanging around with your friends. Although, it shouldn't be seen as an intimidating subject. Every woman has their period so we should all embrace it. Bettybox definitely embraces everyone's periods.  They offer a subscription service at the price of £12.99 a month, which for what you receive is definitely worth your money.

The team at Bettybox very kindly sent both a box each to review. So, we thought we would do a blog post about what we received in the May edition of Betty Box.

When we first opened the box we were shocked with how packed it was. We definitely loved the touch of the 'compartments' each box and drawstring bag is labeled. The labels are 'For You', 'For Now', 'For Later' and 'For Night'. Which we think is pretty self-explanatory, but we will discuss each compartment in detail further on in the blog post. 

The above pictures are what we received in the 'For You' box. It was all neatly packed and the items inside were so cute and a little gift for yourself when you are on your period. Which we think is a nice little touch, especially when you're feeling down when you're on your period. 

These were the beauty items we received in our 'For You' box. The face wash was so good and the hair bobbles were a great touch. Nothing like having your hair in a messy bun whilst chilling on the sofa. 

The only difference between both of our boxes was, the trifle cosmetics lipsticks, Jade's was in the shade 'Guilty Pug' and Lydia's shade was in 'Racoon'. Which is quite nice to get a variety within the boxes. Also, Lydia's box had a 'Coconut' tea bag and Jade's was 'Coconut & Cranberry'. 

Then the other items were more of a lifestyle gift. So, imagine sitting on the sofa messy bun, cup of tea with the coconut snacks... pure bliss. 

This section we both really liked. It was well thought out as it was packed with 5 night time pads, which is what we both swear by for nighttime. 

The 'For Later' box, we assumed was for the evening. You know, that in-between stage when you have come home from school and your waiting for dinner etc. We can't stress enough how important it is to stay clear down there, at least 4 - 5 times a day, preferably more especially for heavier flows. In this box we received 14 tampons and 3 day time pads. Such a generous amount we both commented on that.

Then finally, the adorable drawstring pouch in the 'For Now' compartment was filled with tampons and smaller pads. We received 7 tampons and 6 small pads. The smaller pads are ideal for the beginning and end of your period, when the flow is light. Ideally, 3 at the beginning and 3 at the end. The pouch is such a good idea, a great way to hide your tampons etc in your school bag. No one would suspect anything so you can take away the embarrassment of your tampons and pads falling out in the middle of the lesson. Genius. 

That's a wrap! All in all, we believe the Bettybox is definitely worth £12.99. Especially because it is a little treat for you when you are feeling hormonal and down. You can also make the box be delivered to your door a few days before your period starts! If you would like to treat yourself during your period, then Bettybox has kindly sent us a code to give to you lovely readers. If you use the code 'BB20' you will receive 20% off of your first order... bargain!! Also, let's just talk about the excitement of receiving a parcel at the door. Gotta love it. 

We would just like to thank Bettybox for sending the both of us a box each, we thoroughly enjoyed reviewing the subscription box catered to your period. We hope you have enjoyed reading the blog post, and make sure you go check out Bettybox's official site https://subscribe.betty.me (If you click the link you will be directed to a new page).

Please Share The Pea Pod Love,

Thank You,

Jade & Lydia Xx

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