14 February 2019

It's Okay To Be Different

It's Okay To Be Different

Walking with large feet, ginger hair flowing in the wind and waving with dinky hands. These are all characteristics that some would refer to as imperfections. When actually no, they're what makes you so unique and yourself. No one ever should feel bad and upset by the way the look or genes they have inherited.

Nowadays it is so easy to make fun of someone and not feel bad about it. Taking social media for instance, since when has it been acceptable to comment on someone's photo rude comments like 'Fat Whore' or 'Ginger Weirdo'... never so why do people do it? Please don't hide behind a username its not cool and it's not funny. The way I look at it is, would you like it if someone said mean things to you, no? So why do it to others?

I maybe stepping beyond what I really wanted to talk about in this blog post but, when I actually sit down and write these the words just come flooding out and I go off on a tangent! Anyways, back to being unique. It is most important that you learn to love yourself and brace all of your characterises and flaws. Like yes I have the worse skin possible I am forever battling ache but hey, I embrace it. As long as I know I'm keeping on top of it, what does it matter to other people? I wear make up but not to cover my spots and blemishes, it's because I enjoy wearing it and the art behind it. I can tell you something, come 5pm on a weekday and I am leaving the office my make up is half rubbed off and I look meh... so what! It's not me that has to look at it, it's the public!

Please don't feel like you need to change for other people. I'm not saying you're not allowed to change as sometimes change is a good thing. But change for you and not others.

That's all I have to say... I hope you enjoyed my weekly dose of wisdom... that I don't really have. If you like these types of blog posts please do let us know and we will continue to do more.

Thank You,


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