29 September 2016


Hello It's 2 Peas In A Pod Blog Here,

Hello everyone and welcome back to our blog !! How are you doing? Today's blog post is by me, Jade.  However, today's blog post is very exciting. We hit 10,000 views on 29.09.16. Yes, that's also the day Niall Horan released his new song and Harry Styles was on the cover of Another Man magazine. So we couldn't be any happier that it fell on the same day. 

So as you will all know we have been planning to do a give away for a while now. We thought what better time to do it than when we hit a milestone that is reaching 10,000 views on our blog. As its a great way to to give something back to you lovely readers as a thank you. We'd also just like to take the opportunity to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to read our blog and comment lovely comments, it really does mean the world to us. Thank you so much. Doing this blog it has blog us so much happier so thank you so much all of you. 

Without further ado lets get on with the giveaway. So we decided now that it's Autumn we should base our giveaway prize around our favourite season. There is nothing better than having a pamper night after a stressful day of college, I can relate to that quite a lot at the moment. 

So we've designed our own 'Pamper Night Box'. We've put some our favourite beauty products in a box to send to one you guys as a thank you. So you can have a pamper night with your friends whilst reading our blog. Probably not the last part, it's most likely tucking into a blanket fort whilst watching your favourite film, but we can dream. 

So we've picked 10 items to send to one of you lovely readers. I picked my top 5 pamper night products and Lydia picked her top 5 pamper night products. We don't want to tell you everything that's in the box as we want to keep some as a surprise. However you have probably gathered by the picture at the top some of the items in the box. We can confirm there are face packs, hand cream, a festive candle and some fuzzy socks. Oh and maybe some of our favourite chocolate 🙊

So all you need to do to be able to be in with a chance of winning our giveaway is follow the directions on the rafflecopter and the more you do, the more times you are entered. Also of comment down below with your Twitter name your also in with another chance of winning !! You have to be following our Twitter account for your entry to be counted. 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Please Share The Pea Pod Love,

Thank You,

Jade Xx

Coconut Lane Discount Code: peas20

Where To Find Us: 

Click The Usernames For Direct Links 

Blog Accounts:
Twitter: 2peasinapodblog
Email: twopeasinapodblog@gmail.com

Twitter:   Dewey_bear

Twitter:  Lydia_Greyhound 

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