7 November 2016

Bonfire Night 2016

Hello It's 2 Peas In A Pod Blog Here,
Hello everyone, welcome back to our blog. Today's blog post we 'Remember, Remember the 5th of November' we are sure that you all know that the 5th of November is bonfire night, it is the day that Guy Fawkes planned to burn down parliament in London in 1605. He didn't actually manage to burn parliament down as he got caught. Throughout Britain, people commemorate the capture of Guy Fawkes by having bonfires and fireworks. Some people also put a sculpture of Guy on the bonfire to burn. Anyway here are a few pictures of our bonfire night.
We went to a bonfire show that is about 5 miles away from us, we preferred to go to a controlled one as it was safer and if we had a firework show at one of our houses it wouldn't be fair on the animals and we would've had to inform people around the area so they would know in advance. We got to the place at around 6:30pm for the fireworks that started at 7:00pm. We got there slightly early but we didn't have long to wait. There was a woman singing for the main entertainment, she wasn't the best singer but she sang good songs so it was okay. It was also fine waiting as we were with Stephanie and we were having a laugh, which took our minds off of being so cold.
At around 7:00 the fireworks started. The first few foreworks weren't that interesting as it was just getting started but after a while the fireworks got much better, some of them were so pretty but there was one that just went up in the air and did nothing which was a bit disappointing but all the other fireworks were good. Here are a few more pictures of the fire works.
These were most of the best ones that we took, we've learnt that it is really difficult to take pictures of fireworks as they move quickly and the cameras as our phones couldn't keep up! 
Our favourite firework was one where it went up exploded and then more bits exploded it and it looked like gold glitter, they were best ones. (Pictured above)

Thank you all for reading this blog post, we hope that you have enjoyed it! We are also sorry that the quality of the pictures aren't brilliant, it is quite tricky to get good pictures off fireworks especially using the camera in our phones! Anyway, we hope you have enjoyed reading and thank you! What did you do for Bonfire Night? Hope you had a good time with whatever you did! Thank you.

Please Share The Pea Pod Love,

Thank You,

Jade & Lydia Xx

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