13 February 2017

Facing Your Fears

Hello It's 2 Peas In A Pod Blog Here,

Hello, everyone! Welcome back to our blog, how are you all today? Today's blog post is about 'Facing Your Fears'. Sometimes it's hard to face your fears, but the best way to get rid of fears is to face them. In this blog post, we will be discussing fears and how to control them.

Most people have one or two irrational fears, they are mainly just small fears like mice, spiders, hospitals or checkups. They are normally minor but some people can have fears that become severe, they can cause anxiety which are called phobias. We both have a fear of spiders, we wouldn't call them phobias though.

One way of helping you face your fears is to write about them. This may sound a bit silly to some, but this could really help. If you write about how the fear affects you, when you got it and how it makes you feel, it could help you lose your fear. So let's say Jade has a fear of people in costumes, that may be football mascots or Disney characters. So Jade often talks about the fear and writes about it. Truthfully Jade is a lot better with mascots as where she works there are two characters and she's spoken to them. This fear might be because of the unknown, you don't know who is under the costume. 

Another way to face your fear is to literally face it, try to do what fears you. Take one step closer each time, try to come face-to-face with your fear and break it so you no longer fear it. If you do this, don't try and get rid of the fear straight away, take your time and do small steps until you feel ready to face it completely. 

The next way we have to help with facing fears is to believe in yourself. Believe that you can do what you want and you can achieve anything. Also, believe that you are capable of doing anything and everything! Just learn to believe in yourself and you can accomplish anything.

As we said before, both of us have a fear of spiders. One time we were having a sleepover at Jade's nan and grandad's house, Jade's nan and grandad had gone to bed and we were just in bed watching TV. Then on the curtain above Lydia's head there was a big spider, as we have a fear of them we we're both getting scared and we didn't know what to do. Luckily, Jade's nan was just in bed reading and hadn't gone to sleep yet so she could get the spider for us. We are now slightly better with spiders as we have started to face our fear of them. We aren't completely over them as we still get a little scared when we see one but we are much better then we were before!

The fourth way we have to help with facing fears is to think positively. You may not think that this would help but if you are overthinking about your fear, try thinking about more positive things, or happy things to try and get your mind off of what you are fearing.

Some of the most common fears in the UK are spiders, flying, heights, thunderstorms and death. We know quite a lot of people that have a fear or phobias of one or more of these common fears, they definitely are common! Lydia's main fears are spiders and fear of the unknown in the dark. It's not the dark she's scared of its the fact that she doesn't know what's in the dark. And spiders is one of the most common ones, but both of us are much better with them after our past experience!

The fifth way to help with facing fears is to try not to think about what could happen when you think about what could happen your brain thinks about all the worst possibilities. We do this and have done it quite a bit in the past, we overthink the littlest things so much that we get panicky and stressed, so it's much better to not try to think too far ahead and instead look back at all the things that you have achieved in the past rather then what could go wrong.

The advice we have given may not help with getting rid of fears but it could help with trying to control it, so it doesn't take over. We find the best ways of facing fears is to face the fear itself step-by-step, and to try not to dwell on what could happen. We also like to think about the good things in life, as that helps us try to stop the fears controlling us.

Anyway, we hope this blog post could help you with facing your fears and it has given you ways to deal with the thoughts of fears and how to control them. We hope you enjoyed the blog post and thank you for reading, and we hope this blog post could help you in the future or now.

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Thank You,

Jade & Lydia Xx

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