12 October 2016

Pumpkin Lush Review

Hello It's 2 Peas In A Pod Blog Here,

Hello everyone and welcome back to our blog, we hope your having a good day. So today's blog post is a lush bath bomb review. As you might already know Lush have brought out their Halloween and Christmas range out to their stores. Well we were super keen and went the day after the Halloween range had been brought out into the Lush stores. Unfortunately we were a week early for the Christmas range however keep your eyes peeled, we might be doing a Christmas shop very soon. 

So as you can see this blog post is the review of the 'pumpkin' bath bomb. We did get the monster ball bath bomb as well oh and iccle baby bot. Without further ado lets get on with the review. 

We was that early that 'Pumpkin' wasn't even registered onto the system yet so we couldn't get the writing on the sticky label, so for this one we will have to go with what the website says. 

Serve yourself up a slab of sweet pumpkin pie, dripping in spice and sauciness - it's even more satisfying in bath bomb form. Sweet, comforting vanilla absolute and spicy cinammon evoke the rich, biscuity fragrance of home-baking and stacked desserts, ensuring that you feel toasty from top to toe. A soak with this pumpkin-shaped bomb is more satisfying than a belly full of pudding.

Firstly once you pop it into your warm bath it fizzes straight away letting bursts of orange dance into your water. It's very magical and it feels so cozy, and Halloweeny aswell. However we must say it doesn't smell much like pumpkin pie, very much more like oranges. Which don't get us wrong is a nice scent and it lasts very long on your skin but we was expecting a pumpkin scent. The pumpkin face was super cute and added a nice touch. We hadn't seen this bath bomb before so we think this might be a new addition. 

This bath bomb would be great to use on the night of Halloween just before you go trick or treating or maybe a Halloween party. It would also make a nice gift as it very pleasing to look at and also it smells really nice. If you're expecting it to smell of oranges then it won't be a dissapointment. Not saying the bath bomb was a dissapointment because it wasn't it left the skin feeling soft and made it smell devine. It also lingered for a long time too. Just bare in mind it doesn't smell of pumpkin. The pictures on our blog don't give the bath bomb justice, it was a lot more pigmented and turned the bath water bright orange and held its colour for the whole duration of the bath.  We would recommend this bath product to anyone who is looking into trying some lush Halloween products as its not to in your face it's very subtle. Which is quite nice once in a while. 

Thank you for thaking the time out of your day to read this blog post, we hope you have enjoyed it. If you would like us to review some more lush product, as we know our most viewed blog post is a lust review then comment down below or contact us on Twitter. What's your favourite lush product at Halloween? Our favourite has to be either this or the monsters ball, loved it. Have you entered our latest giveaway yet? Of not then make sure to enter it Here Good luck! 

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Jade & Lydia Xx

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